Initially (less than 50 congregates)

Hold weekly meetings as a Holy Bible study

Order of service

Prayer Request/Pray for those in Authority

Receive offerings for the work of the ministry

Share topical/subject oriented teaching from the Word of God

Altar Call for Salvation, Assurance of Salvation, Out-of-Fellowship
and to be filled with the Holy Spirit

Dismiss the people and announce next meeting

Intermediate (between 50 and 150 congregates)

Maintain all the functions we started initially

Add a worship leader and praise team

Add an ushering team

Add a greeting team

Add a children’s department

If the budget allows start looking for a permanent church building

Developing a Church Membership Program

Advanced (greater than 150 congregates)

Fully functional church service including all the previously established program plus an evangelistic outreach to go out on the neighborhoods and community public places to compel the lost and backsliders to come into the fold of Christ Jesus by joining a local church.

Numerous meetings/services during the week

Develop a full choir and orchestra for worship

Establish a well-defined children program

Establish a well-defined youth program

Aid missionaries

Help ministers to fulfill their individual calling in life

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